Please send us the registration form for your daughter/son so that we can take all the important details into account. Please send us the scan as a pdf. This is effortless with one of the free apps, such as Genius Scan. In the app, the file is immediately converted into a pdf and can be sent.
As soon as we have a registration form from you, we will confirm via email that your child is registered with us to beginn the application process!
What's next? - Getting to know each other at the registration workshop!
Important: Participation in the registration workshops requires a completed application form!
In a nice and relaxed atmosphere we would like to get to know you and introduce ourselves, our attitude & mission, as well as our way of working.
Please bring your children with you, because it is important to us to get to know you as well as your daughter / your son or your children, as well as to give you / him the opportunity to get to know us.
No later than 4 weeks later you will receive a binding confirmation or rejection for a place in our facility
We will then send the agreed children and families our kindergarten contract with the entry date.
4 weeks before the start of the acclimatization process, we invite you to a welcome workshop, where you can get to know your pedagogical acclimatization guide and discuss everything to do with the topic of acclimatization with him/her.
In the 4 weeks between the registration workshop and the first day of acclimatization, you will be invited to 3 trial lessons. Time that you can spend with your son / daughter in our facility and have time to get your bearings and "arrive".
Since we accompany children, parents and families with our offer, it is important for us to get to know you personally. We spare no effort and time for this, because only if we prepare the way for your children together will potential development succeed.
Participation in the registration workshop is a prerequisite for us to consider your registration as binding.

trial days
There are regular trial days where we get to know the parents and the children. A trial day is necessary for successful application at our KinderGarden Blütezeit