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PEKiP is a family education program for parents with their babies in the 1st year of life.

The course focuses on movement, play and sensory stimulation for babies.
The PEKiP lessons help parents and babies in the sensitive process of bonding.

“The key word is relationship. Its quality determines our well-being and our development as human beings.” (Jesper Juul)


From the 6th - 8th week of life, parents meet in a small group of up to 9 participants with their babies once a week for 90 minutes in a warm room prepared for them. The babies can move around freely in the nude and in this way gain a variety of sensory experiences and pursue their spirit of discovery.


My aim is to accompany the babies during this time

  • to accompany them sensitively,

  • to observe them attentively,

  • to be aware of their development and to encourage them individually and playfully,

  • to enable the babies to have contact with their peers.


During the course, parents are accompanied and supported in their new role and informed about all the important topics in the first year of life. We will take time to talk and share experiences on topics such as

  • Carrying well and correctly,

  • Dealing with a sick child,

  • introducing complementary foods and much more.


We will learn from and with each other in exchange with the other parents and the group leader. You will receive suggestions, answers and support.


The courses are usually held over a period of 10 weeks.
The PEKiP group can remain together for the entire 1st year of life. 

Course held by: Carola Brückner

Costs: 140,- €


“PEKiP"® and the PEKiP logo are registered trademarks of PEKiP e.V.

PEKiP - Die Anfänge des Prager-Eltern-Kind-Progamms


Das Prager-Eltern-Kind-Programm geht in seinem Ursprung auf den Psychologen Dr. Jaroslav Koch zurück. In den 60er-Jahren entwickelte er in Prag eine Reihe von 
Spiel- und Bewegungsanregungen die Babys im 1.Lebensjahr zur aktiven Bewegung anregen sollen.
Prof.Dr.Christa Ruppelt (Professorin für Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Entwicklungspsychologie) lernte den Psychologen auf einem Kongress kennen und baute das pädagogische Konzept zusammen mit ihrem Mann Dr. Hans Ruppelt (Sozialwissenschaftler) als Gruppenangebot aus.
Die erste PEKiP-Gruppe wurde 1973 gegründet. Der Erfolg war erstaunlich.


Heute nehmen pro Woche über ca.66.000 Familien an PEKiP-Gruppen in Deutschland, Östereich und der Schweiz teil. In einer Zeit, in der sich vieles in der Pädagogik schnell ändert, ist es bemerkenswert und schön, dass PEKiP schon so lange Bestand hat und von den Familien als bedeutungsvoll und hilfreich angesehen wird.

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